More about Exhaust Fans The exhaust fan is a significant component of the commercial vent hood. When preparing and cooking large amounts of food for your guests, it is important to be aware of the indoor pollution that occurs. The exhaust fan of the vent hood works at preventing this. It removes a significant amount of smoke, smells, and grease vapors. Whether you own a small restaurant business or a large business, it is vital to have a good quality commercial vent hood installed as they also work at suppressing and reducing kitchen fires. Proper maintenance to make sure your vent hood is operating at its best is necessary. Just because the exhaust fan is drawing air does not mean it is working properly. Smoke and grease residue often get stuck to furniture and walls overtime. About 60 pounds of cooking grease and particles build up over a year without proper ventilation. This factor could lead to health issues among those who are continually exposed to smoke and harmful vapors. |